Sub-Zones No Rest for the Wicked Points of interest
- Cerim Crucible
- Iona's Cavern
- Orban Glades
- Rookery Lodgings
- Sacrament
- The Black Trench
- The Black Trench
- War Room
All known locations on the map Isola Sacra
Cerim Crucible▶ show the map ◀
Iona's Cavern▶ show the map ◀
Orban Glades▶ show the map ◀
Rookery Lodgings▶ show the map ◀
Here you can stash your inventory and share it with other players by using the Community Chest. Every player on the realm can place and remove items from it.
Sacrament▶ show the map ◀
The Black Trench▶ show the map ◀
This gate can be opened from the inside. You can do this after your first visit to The Black Trench, when you are leaving this dungeon.
The Black Trench▶ show the map ◀
This entrance will be unlocked during the "Of Rats and Raiders" quest.