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Nakmor Drack: A Future for Our People Mass Effect: Andromeda Mission

Type: Allies and Relationships

LOYALTY MISSION: A krogan transport containing an essential seed vault was stolen from their colony on Elaaden.

Related points of interest

Icon of Hark Hark Elaaden

Icon of Drack Drack Nexus / Hyperion

Prior missions

To begin Nakmor Drack: A Future for Our People you must first complete Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal.

Mission objectives of Nakmor Drack: A Future for Our People

1. Speak with Hark at the greenhouse

You need to go to New Tuchanka on Elaaden.

Speak with Hark at the greenhouse

2. Reach the krogan transport

The krogan have tracked their stolen transport to a mining site off Elaaden. Drack and the Pathfinder must infiltrate the site to recover the transport, or the krogan may be unable to sustain a colony food source.

Reach the krogan transport

Follow the markers, kill opponents along the way.

Reach the krogan transport

Reach the krogan transport

You need to climb up here.

Reach the krogan transport

Reach the krogan transport

Reach the krogan transport

3. Jump across the grates

The exile smuggler known as Aroane was responsible for stealing the krogan transport. An investigation into Assistant Director of Colonial Affairs William Spender established a link between the two men. Aroane may have information that will help prove Spender is corrupt and actively undermining the krogan.

Jump across the grates

4. Rescue Vorn

Rescue Vorn

Rescue Vorn

Rescue Vorn

Rescue Vorn

5. Secure the krogan transport

Secure the krogan transport

Use this console to get to the transporter.

Secure the krogan transport

Defend the transporter. Kill all enemies including two hydras.

Secure the krogan transport

6. Release the docking clamps

Release the docking clamps

Aroane shows up, but Vorn knows how to incapacitate him.

Release the docking clamps

You have to choose between "We don't need him" (Aroane dies) and "He might be useful".

Release the docking clamps

Release the docking clamps

7. Return to Nexus Control

Return to Nexus Control

8. Review evidence against Spender

The exile smuggler known as Aroane was working with Spender to steal a transport from the krogan. With the transport recovered and the evidence found in Spender's apartment, it's time to nail the corrupt Nexus politician to the wall.

Review evidence against Spender

Unscrambled Exchange

wspender: I armed you! Gave Calix the chance he needed to take down Tann. What have you done for me?

atao: Um, I covered your tracks? You made Calix think you were with us, but you were the one who woke up Morda! We both know you were hedging your bets. Making sure we saw you as an ally if we actually did take the Nexus.

wspender: I didn't choose to wake up Morda. They made me.

atao: If I went to your boss with what I've seen, you'd be out of a job. Hell, you'd be in jail... or out here with us.

wspender: So this is blackmail, then. Smart. You'll get your supplies, Aroane. Just know I'm saving this conversation.

atao: So am I.

9. Speak with Drack on the Nexus

Speak with Drack on the Nexus

10. Deal with Spender

Deal with Spender

You can decide what the punishment will be: "Jail" or "Exile".

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