Sukhothai Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Map
Interactive map of Sukhothai, another location we visit in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. The map features locations such as ...
After a long journey from Shanghai, Indy and Gina arrived at a hotel close to Sukhothai, Siam. The place was full of Fascists who had been allowed into the country by a corrupt general. Instead of heading out into the jungle at night searching for the ruins of Sukhothai, Indy and Gina decided to get some well deserved rest.
Points of interest
Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Sukhothai" map.
Maps of the locations we visit. Some of them you have to find, and some, for the dungeons, etc. you get automatically when you reach a certain place.
Hidden Temple Map
Khmer Vault Map
Sukhothai Map An alternative place where you can find this map if you don't already have one.
Sukhothai Map An alternative place where you can find this map if you don't already have one.
Sukhothai Map The first place where you can find this map right after starting the "The Blessed Pearl" adventure. Map of the flooded ruins of ancient Sukhothai.
Village Map You will receive this map automatically when you reach the village after escaping from the hotel.
Warrior Temple Map
Signposts allow you to fast travel between them. In order to be able to select a specific signpost as a destination, you must first unlock it by reaching it on foot.
Secret Armory Entrance
Tongdang's Hut
Wat Chana Songkhram
Wat Mahathat East
Wat Mahathat West
Wat Sa Si
Wat Si Sawai
Disguises allow you to hide from enemies and enter restricted areas without being noticed.
Royal Army Uniform
Adventure Quests
Adventures are the main story quests where your objective is to solve the mystery of the Great Circle.
Trouble in Paradise Previous adventure: Into the Fire. Objectives: Call Marcus - Sukhothai, one of the sites on the Great Circle. There must be a stone hidden somewhere in the ruins. Marcus Brody has access to all sorts of research back at the College that could prove helpful in finding it. -= continued in full description =- Next adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
The Blessed Pearl Previous adventure: Trouble in Paradise. Objectives: Join Gina - A new morning has arrived. Time to beat Voss to the Sukhothai stone. Sunan's story about the "Blessed Pearl" and his promise to help find it is a very good start. Gina is on the dock, talking to some of the rebels. -= continued in full description =- Next adventure: Atonements.
Chapter Notes
Chapter Notes, Sukhothai. Chapter notes are documents or photos related to the adventure you must complete to uncover the mystery of the Great Circle. They contain all sorts of related interesting info. Collecting each of them is not mandatory but is worthwhile as it provides additional adventure points.
Archaeologist's Notes Journal Page. Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Camp Notes Journal Page. Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Fascist's Journal Diary Page. Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Left Cogwheel Layout Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Nephilim Game Piece Placements Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Right Cogwheel Layout Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Rome Postcard Card. Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
The Great Game Piece Placements Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Warning Letter Letter. Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Wat Mahathat Report Document. Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Chapter Photos
Chapter Notes, Sukhothai. Chapter notes are documents or photos related to the adventure you must complete to uncover the mystery of the Great Circle. They contain all sorts of related interesting info. Collecting each of them is not mandatory but is worthwhile as it provides additional adventure points.
"The Fall" Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
"The Retribution" On the wall, after climbing up the Grappling Point (Y). Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
"The Servants" On the wall of the pyramid after swinging on the Tree Branch. Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Game Board Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Game Room Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Left Gear Train Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Messenger Statue Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Messenger Statue Symbol Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Nephilim Map Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Right Gear Train Related adventure: The Blessed Pearl.
Fieldwork, Sukhothai. Fieldwork are local activities / side quests that are of greater importance and may or may not be related to the main adventure.
A Study in Fear How to start: Explore the hidden pyramid, find the Nephilim Map and leave the area heading to Sunan. Reward: 650 Adventure Points Objectives: Speak to Pailin - Might be worth stopping by Pailin before talking to Sunan. No one has better insight into the Fascist activity in the area than she does. -= continued in full description =-
Lost in the Past How to start: Progress the main adventure and speak to Sunan on the dock when possible. Reward: 800 Adventure Points Objectives: Talk to Sunan - Sunan has another story to tell. Could be something useful to learn from it. Find the Cave - Sunan told a story about a girl who met a demon in a cave. She helped the demon and got a golden fishing hook in return. If there is truth to the story, the cave should be located near Wat Sa Si. -= continued in full description =-
The Kid Who Vanished How to start: Visit Tongdang and then return to the boat. Reward: 600 Adventure Points Objectives: Find the Treehouse - Sunan's nephew has been missing for a while. Maybe there's some clues to be found in the old treehouse. -= continued in full description =-
Voss' Gold Stash How to start: Talk to Tongdang then leave his hut. Reward: 50 Adventure Points Objectives: Steal Voss' Gold - Voss is bribing the local General with guns and gold to keep the excavations going. Which means there has to be gold in a stash somewhere in his base camp. Gold that can be used for buying a breathing device. -= continued in full description =-
Fieldwork Notes
Fieldwork Notes. Notes and photographs that are related to fieldwork tasks.
"Gira'ahn-matu" This is a note you will collect during "a trip to the past". Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
Annika's Research Journal Page. Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Aran Photograph Photograph. Related fieldwork: The Kid Who Vanished.
Bangkok Postcard Postcard: Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
Bird's Nest Key You will receive this note automatically when you pick up the Cross & Diamond Key. Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Bribe Letter Letter. related fieldwork: Voss' Gold Stash.
Code Instructions Drops from one of the soldiers / officers. Related fieldwork: Voss' Gold Stash.
Demolition Request Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Devil Card Card. Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Dream Journal Diary Page. Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Excavation Orders Document. Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Ghost Report Document. Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
Hidden Map Journal Page. Related fieldwork The Kid Who Vanished.
Khmer Pipeworks Placement You will get it automatically after solving the Khmer Pipeworks puzzle. Related fieldwork: The Kid Who Vanished.
Moon Card Card. Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
Platform Pipeworks Placement You will get it automatically after solving the giant cogwheels puzzle. Related fieldwork: The Kid Who Vanished.
Poisoning Report Document. Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
Yaksha Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Fieldwork Photos
Fieldwork Notes. Notes and photographs that are related to fieldwork tasks.
"Heh'k-dashu" This is a photo you will take during "a trip to the past". Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
"Heh-zam-eesh" This is a photo you will take during "a trip to the past". Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
Another Symbols Pedestal Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Bridge With a Statue Related fieldwork: The Kid Who Vanished.
Demon's Head Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Giant Cogwheels Related fieldwork: The Kid Who Vanished.
Large Skeleton Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
Nephilim Stone Construction Related fieldwork: Lost in the Past.
Pipe Slot Related fieldwork: The Kid Who Vanished.
Symbol Pedestal Related fieldwork: A Study in Fear.
Discoveries, Sukhothai. Discoveries are activities that span over greater sections, some of them throughout the entire game. To complete one of these you will have to explore the world to find something that relates to the discovery.
A Remedy for All (Sukhothai) How to start: Talk to Nŏo. Objectives: Find Medicine Bottles in Sukhothai x 20 - The local medical worker is in dire need of medicine and all recovered bottles should be brought there.
A World of Knowledge (Sukhothai) How to start: Buy the Sukhothai Books from Tongdang. Find Adventure Books in Sukhothai x 31 - Learn new abilities by collecting Adventure Books and taking a moment to study them.
Jungle Bruiser Pit Reward: 720 Adventure Points Find a Disguise - They don't seem to welcome people without a uniform.
Khmer Cogwheel Puzzles Cogs Collected x 10 - Collect all the ancient Khmer wooden cogwheels. Solve the Cogwheel Puzzle - There is a Khmer puzzle that can only be solved using the ancient wooden cogwheels.
Lost Artifacts of Asia Find Lost Artifacts x 5 - Artifacts from different parts of Asia. They should be returned to the right museum.
Riddles of the Ancients (Sukhothai) Find Ancient Relics in Sukhothai x 24
Royal Army Transmissions Reward: 225 Adventure Points Find Radio Frequencies x 4 - Take the radio frequency to Gina. Maybe she can use it for spying on the Fascists. Give Radio Frequency to Gina - All the radio frequencies have been found. Return to Gina and talk to her. Take Gina's Article Summary: All the radio frequencies in Sukhothai have been found and handed over to Gina.
Discovery Photos
Hidden Platform Cogwheel Pillar
River Bank Cogwheel Pillar
Village Cogwheel Pillar
Wat Mahathat Cogwheel Pillar
Wat Si Sawai Cogwheel Pillar Discovery Photo.
Waterfall Ruins Cogwheel Pillar
Cogwheel (Hidden Platform Puzzle)
Cogwheel (Hidden Pyramid #1)
Cogwheel (Hidden Pyramid #2)
Cogwheel (Hidden Pyramid #3)
Cogwheel (Village Puzzle)
Cogwheel (Wat Mahathat Puzzle #1)
Cogwheel (Wat Mahathat Puzzle #2)
Cogwheel (Wat Si Sawai Puzzle)
Cogwheel (Waterfall Ruins Puzzle #1)
Cogwheel (Waterfall Ruins Puzzle #2)
Field Notes
Field Notes, Sukhothai. Interesting notes and photographs gathered while out on the field. 58 such notes and photographs can be found in The Vatican.
Anti-Comintern Article News Article.
Bergmann's Letter Letter.
Delivery Note
Flood Article News Article. The first of the places where you can find this note. On a table on the ground floor of the hotel. Other location: Flood Article.
Flood Article News Article. Other location: Flood Article.
Forgotten Page The first of the places where you can find this note. Next to the bed in room #4 of the hotel. Journal Page. Other location: Forgotten Page.
Forgotten Page Journal Page. Other location: Forgotten Page.
Fried Egg You will get it when you talk to Sunan when he is fishing at the dock. The cat - Fried Egg - is somewhere near.
Monument Research Journal Page.
Pla Pao Recipe Recipe.
Rebel Article The first of the places where you can find this note. On a table on the ground floor of the hotel. News Article. Other location: Rebel Article.
Rebel Article News Article. Other location: Rebel Article.
Rebel Flyer Note. On a table with a red tablecloth, in a room on the lower floor.
Ruins Research Journal Page. On top of small ruins sticking out of the river.
Sukhothai Article The first of the places where you can find this note. On the veranda of the house located on the right side of the hotel. News Article. Other location: Sukhothai Article.
Sukhothai Article News Article. Other location: Sukhothai Article.
Sukhothai Research Notes Journal Page.
Sunan You will receive it automatically after entering the boat while playing the "The Blessed Pearl" adventure.
Tales of Dread #4 Comic Book.
Tales of Dread #5 Comic Book.
Tales of Dread #6 Comic Book.
Thot Man Pla Recipe
Tom Yum Goong Recipe Recipe.
Field Photos
Field Notes, Sukhothai. Interesting notes and photographs gathered while out on the field. 58 such notes and photographs can be found in The Vatican.
Capsized Barges
Coconut Graters
Elephant Skeleton
Elephant Statue
Exploded Opening
Fascist Armory
Giant Mushroom
Jungle Bruisers
Khmer Water Mill Take a picture of the mill wheel from the upper platform.
Old Ruins
Overgrown Statue
Prayer Grove
Pyramid Tower
Rice Farmers
River Buddha
Stone Library
Sukhothai Pyramid
Thieving Monkeys
Tree House
Uncle Sunan
Village Doctor
Village Fishermen
Village Market
Village View
Villager Portrait
Voss' Camp
Voss' Camp Entrance
Wat Chana Songkhram Take a photo from the top of the watchtower.
Wat Mahathat
Wat Sa Si
Wat Si Sawai
Waterfall Tributary
Yeak Statue
Adventure Books
Adventure Books allow you to learn new Abilities to tackle harder challenges. Adventure Books are divided into a few categories depending on which kind of Ability you can learn from it: Survival, Fitness, Packing, Brawling, and Combat. You can also collect Map Guides which are listed under the Exploration category. These will unlock important information about the locations that you visit and place markers on maps.
Bear Hands Category: Brawling Description: Enables unarmed take-downs of enemies. Adventure Points To Unlock: 1400
Fast Hands Category: Combat Description: Revolver reload speed is increased. Adventure Points To Unlock: 650
Fast Hands The first of the places where you can find this book. Right after arriving to Sukhothai, in a fascist tent pitched in front of the hotel. Category: Combat Description: Revolver reload speed is increased. Adventure Points To Unlock: 650
Handyman Category: Combat Description: Increases the durability of melee weapons. Adventure Points To Unlock: 800
Hardboiled III You can buy it for 1200 Baht from the Shady Vendor (Sukhothai). Category: Survival Description: Harden protection by merging two health bars into one. Adventure Points To Unlock: 2100
Iron Grip II Category: Fitness Description: Indy can clinch enemies for longer. Adventure Points To Unlock: 475
Jumbo Grip It's in the safe. Lock combination: 2480. The code is on the photograph of the Painted Message. Related mystery: Path of Tigers. Category: Brawling Description: Grab heavyweight enemies in hand-to-hand combat. Adventure Points To Unlock: 500
Jumbo Shove Category: Brawling Description: Push heavyweight enemies. Adventure Points To Unlock: 700
Jumbo Throttle Category: Combat Description: Knock out unaware heavy-weight enemies with a whip pull. Adventure Points To Unlock: 650
Kummetz Guide Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook to points of interest one can find while exploring the KMS Kummetz.
Lucky Hat II Category: Survival Description: The cooldown of Indy's Outfit's Fortitude is cut down by half, allowing the Lucky Hat ability to recover faster. Adventure Points To Unlock: 500
Punch Out II Category: Brawling Description: Restore one bar of health when an enemy is knocked out. Adventure Points To Unlock: 600
Sawbones III You can buy it for 700 Baht from the Shady Vendor (Sukhothai). Category: Packing Description: Bandage inventory capacity is increased by one. Adventure Points To Unlock: 950
Seeing Red Category: Survival Description: Deal more damage when down to the last bar of health. Adventure Points To Unlock: 900
Shanghai Guide Category: Exploration Description: An informative guidebook to things of interest that can be discovered in Shanghai.
Slug Boy II Category: Packing Description: Increase handgun ammunition capacity by a half-dozen bullets. Adventure Points To Unlock: 950
Slugger II Category: Brawling Description: Increases damage from charged-up attacks. Adventure Points To Unlock: 900
Street Scrapper III Lock combination: 4134. Category: Combat Description: Deal increased damage with one and two handed melee weapons. Adventure Points To Unlock: 1500
Sukhothai Artifacts You can buy it for 450 Baht from Tongdang one you buy the Rebreather. Category: Exploration Description: A handy guide to the possible locations of lost artifacts in Sukhothai.
Sukhothai Books You can buy it for 450 Baht from Tongdang. Category: Exploration Description: A literature compendium containing information on adventure books to be found in Sukhothai.
Sukhothai Cogwheels You can buy it for 700 Baht from Tongdang one you buy the Rebreather. Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook with information regarding the sightings of Khmer cogwheels in Sukthothai.
Sukhothai Frequencies Category: Exploration Description: Classified military document regarding the locations of encrypted radio frequencies in Sukhothai.
Sukhothai Medicine Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook with information on the whereabouts of medicine bottles in Sukhothai.
Sukhothai Mysteries You can buy it for 450 Baht from Tongdang. Category: Exploration Description: A collection of information regarding possible mysteries to be discovered in Sukhothai.
Sukhothai Notes You can buy it for 950 Baht from Tongdang one you buy the Rebreather. Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook detailing the various notes to be found in Sukhothai.
Sukhothai Relics Category: Exploration Description: An old manuscript of esoteric knowledge regardig the ancient relics rumored to be found in Sukthothai.
Radio Frequencies
Radio Frequencies that are needed to complete the "Royal Army Transmissions" discovery. These are small notes that can be found in areas occupied by enemy soldiers. Mostly they are located right next to radio sets.
Sukhothai, Voss' Camp In the main building of Voss' Camp, on the desk with a radio. Related discovery: Royal Army Transmissions.
Sukhothai, Wat Mahathat On a table with radios standing under a canopy. Related discovery: Royal Army Transmissions.
Sukhothai, Wat Sa Si On a table with radios standing under a tent. Related discovery: Royal Army Transmissions.
Sukhothai,Wat Chana Songkhram On a small table inside the guard booth. Related discovery: Royal Army Transmissions.
Medicine Bottles
Medicine Bottles can be exchanged for Adventure Books that either raise your HP or stamina bar permanently.
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Ancient Relics
Finding all the ancient relics is the objective of the "Riddles of the Ancients (Gizeh)" discovery.
Ancient Relic (Fascist Armory)
Ancient Relic (Hidden Platform Cogwheels)
Ancient Relic (Hidden Pyramid #1)
Ancient Relic (Hidden Pyramid #2)
Ancient Relic (Hidden Pyramid #3)
Ancient Relic (Hidden Pyramid #4) You can get here after taking photo of "The Retribution" carving.
Ancient Relic (Hidden Temple #1)
Ancient Relic (Hidden Temple #2)
Ancient Relic (Hidden Temple #3)
Ancient Relic (Khmer Vault #1)
Ancient Relic (Khmer Vault #2)
Ancient Relic (Khmer Vault #3)
Ancient Relic (Northern Sukhothai)
Ancient Relic (River Bank Cogwheels)
Ancient Relic (The Serpent's Chest) To get this relic you need to solve the "The Serpent's Chest" mystery.
Ancient Relic (Village Cogwheels)
Ancient Relic (Warrior Temple #1)
Ancient Relic (Warrior Temple #2)
Ancient Relic (Warrior Temple #3)
Ancient Relic (Wat Mahathat Cogwheels)
Ancient Relic (Wat Sa Si)
Ancient Relic (Wat Si Sawai Cogwheels)
Ancient Relic (Waterfall Ruins Cogwheels)
Ancient Relic (Waterfall) In a secret room in a cave hidden behind a waterfall.
Lost Artifacts
Finding all the lost artifacts is the objective of the "Lost Artifacts of Africa" discovery.
Belt Buckle Inside the ruins. You will get here after scorching the burnable wall and swimming through the flooded tunnel.
Bronze Jue It is located in a small ruin, which can be entered after burning the hay covering the grappling point. Use one of the tar jars located nearby to set the fire.
Ganesha Statue In the ruins located under the main building in Voss' Camp. You can enter there, for example, through a crawl space located on the east side.
Jade Humanoid At the lowest level, under the central platform.
Jōmon Mask On the upper ledge. You can get here once you use one of the tar jars to burn the hay covering the grapping point.
Mystery Quests
Mysteries, Sukhothai. Mysteries are shorter and sometimes quite challenging activities, and will give you adventure points when they have been completed, in addition to a variety of different smaller rewards.
A Game of Wits How to start: Read the Lorenzo's Challenge. Reward: 250 Adventure Points Solve the Mak-Yek Challenge - A note next to a board of Mak-yek pose a challenge to find the code to a safe. The code is hidden in the game. Better try to figure this one out. F1 moves to F3, capturing E3 and G3 H1 moves to D1, capturing C1 B1 moves to B8, capturing A8, C8, D8, and E8 F8 moves to F6, capturing F5 and F4 Code = 3186
Child's Play Find the Second Clue - The riddle said to follow banners to a shrine and a tree. That's where a second clue is. Find the Third Clue - Second riddle said to look for the third clue under the tallest bridge in the village. Find the Treasure - These clues apparently lead to a treasure hidden by the village dam.
Counting Letters How to start: Reward: 250 Adventure Points Find the Footlocker Code - A German cipher machine with some code wheels, and a note with a challenge. Should be enough to figure out how to open the footlocker.
Elephant in the Room How to start: Take a photo of Buddhist Shrine. Reward: 250 Adventure Points Discover the Shrine's Secret - There's something more to this shrine. Might be worth taking a closer look to discover whatever secret it holds.
Monkey Business Reward: 250 Follow the Monkey Trail - The monkeys are stealing from the Fascists. Perhaps they've taken something useful. Enter the Equipment Room - The monkeys had stolen the key to the equipment room in the Fascist armory. Could be something useful in there.
Path of Tigers How to start: Examine the Rebels Photograph. Reward: 250 Adventure Points + Jumbo Grip adventure book. Objectives: Find Location of the Photograph - A photograph next to the lockbox. Maybe it's a clue to the lock combination? Head to Wat Si Sawai and take a photo of the Painted Message. -= continued in full description =-
The Serpent's Chest How to start: Read the Voss' Letter. Reward: 250 Adventure Points Objectives: Find the Ancient Keys x 3 - Voss has brought with him a curious snake-ornamented chest from the Gizeh. This chest can only be unlocked using three ancient keys hidden in three different locations around the world: the Vatican, Gizeh, and Shanghai. Ancient Vatican Key Ancient Gizeh Key Ancient Shanghai Key Unlock the Serpent's Chest and colelct the ancient relic.
Timely Arrival Reward: 250 Adventure Points Find the Lockbox Code - A locked box with what seems like a Fascist shipment. Better search for clues and figure out the combination. GIADA + Sabato = 59404
Mystery Notes
Notes that are related to the mysteries.
Bartolomeo's Challenge Related mystery: Counting Letters.
Code Lookup Table Related mystery: Timely Arrival.
First Bottle Message Related mystery: Child's Play.
Francesco's Note Related mystery: Monkey Business.
Keyring Note Related mystery: Monkey Business.
Lorenzo's Challenge Related mystery: A Game of Wits.
Mak-Yek Rules Related mystery: A Game of Wits.
Pailin's Message It's in the safe. Lock combination: 2480. The code is on the photograph of the Painted Message. Related mystery: Path of Tigers.
Phra Ruang Statuette Related mystery: Child's Play.
Rebel Journal Related mystery: Elephant in the Room.
Rebels Photograph Related mystery: Path of Tigers.
Second Bottle Message Related mystery: Child's Play.
Shipment Paper Related mystery: Timely Arrival.
Third Bottle Message Related mystery: Child's Play.
Voss' Letter Note. Related mystery: The Serpent's Chest.
Mystery Photos
Photographs that are related to the mysteries.
Buddhist Shrine Related mystery: Elephant in the Room.
King's Elephant Shrine Related mystery: Elephant in the Room.
Monkey Warning Related mystery: Monkey Business.
Painted Message Related mystery: Path of Tigers.
Puzzles and riddles that need to be solved to push the game storyline forward, gain access to new places, etc.
Hidden Gate
Pick up two cogwheels from the central room: Cogwheel (Hidden Pyramid #1), and Cogwheel (Hidden Pyramid #2).
Crawl through the crawl space located near the Left Gear Train.
Climb the wall and pick up the Cogwheel (Hidden Pyramid #3) that you can find up there.
Use your whip and open the Plugged Pipe.The water will flow.
Place the cogwheels on the left or right gear train in the layout that is show on the picture below and pull the lever.
Do the same with the other gear train.
Hidden Platform Cogwheel Puzzle Number of cogwheels: 7 Position the large and small cogwheels as shown in the picture below and then pull the lever. After completing the puzzle, don't forget to take the small cogwheels to use them in the next puzzle.
Khmer Pipeworks
Turn the Handle (2) to make water flow.
Place Pipe Segment (5) (T-shaped) into Pipe Slot #C1 in such a way that the water flows to the left and to the right.
Place the Pipe Segment (6) (L-shaped) into Pipe Slot #C2 in such a way the water flows towards the door. It will open that door.
Get the Pipe Segment (7) (straight) and place it into the Pipe Slot #C2 (so you have to remove the Pipe Segment (6) from this slot) that the water flows into the left grate.
Place the Pipe Segment (6) into the Pipe Slot #C3 in such a way the the water flows to to central grate.
Place the Pipe Segment (4) into the Pipe Slot #C4 in such a way the the water flows to to right grate.
Nephilim Game
River Bank Cogwheel Puzzle Number of cogwheels: 10 Position the large and small cogwheels as shown in the picture below and then pull the lever.
Sealed Sarcophagus Solution: Complete the Symbol Pedestal #3 - Use the Cross & Circle Key to line up all symbols. Complete the Symbol Pedestal #4 - Use the Cross & Circle Key to lineup cross and diamond symbols then use the Circle Key to line up all symbols. Complete the Symbol Pedestal #5 - A. Use the Cross & Diamond Key to line up diamond symbol with the line on the outer ring. B. Use the Cross & Circle Keykey to line up dimond symbol and cross symbol. C. Use the Circle Key to line up all symbols. Complete the Symbol Pedestal #6
Story of the Ancients
Interact with the stone pillar in the center of the cave and complete the dream sequence.
After returning to the real world, rotate the stone blocks to match the screenshot below.
Collect the Golden Fishing Hook.
The Great Game Solution: Position other people as in the picture below and stand yourself in the place pointed by the arrow.
Village Cogwheel Puzzle Number of cogwheels: 5 Position the large and small cogwheels as shown in the picture below and then pull the lever. After completing the puzzle, don't forget to take the small cogwheels to use them in the next puzzle.
Wat Mahathat Cogwheel Puzzle Number of cogwheels: 5 Position the large and small cogwheels as shown in the picture below and then pull the lever. After completing the puzzle, don't forget to take the small cogwheels to use them in the next puzzle.
Wat Si Sawai Cogwheels Number of cogwheels: 6 Position the large and small cogwheels as shown in the picture below and then pull the lever. After completing the puzzle, don't forget to take the small cogwheels to use them in the next puzzle.
Waterfall Ruins Cogwheel Puzzle Number of cogwheels: 4 Position the large and small cogwheels as shown in the picture below and then pull the lever. After completing the puzzle, don't forget to take the small cogwheels to use them in the next puzzle.
Key Items & Objects
Various other items that are useful during the adventure.
Big Cogwheel
Big Cogwheel
Blessed Pearl You can reach this place after going all the way down in the northern shaft.
Circle Key
Cross & Circle Key
Cross & Diamond Key
Elephant Statuette #1
Elephant Statuette #2 Inside a small alcove behind a burnable wall.
Elephant Statuette #3
Fish Crate
Game Piece x 2
Game Piece x 3
Golden Fishing Hook
Pipe Segment (1)
Pipe Segment (2)
Pipe Segment (3)
Pipe Segment (4)
Pipe Segment (5)
Pipe Segment (6)
Pipe Segment (7)
Rebreather 798 Baht
Tar Jars
Tar Jars
Various types of switches, levers, pressure plates and other items that can be switched, shifted, etc.
Handle (2)
Lever When you turn it the trapdoor will open and you will slide down the ramp to the trap room.
Lever Hidden under some hay you can burn using the lighter.
Lever Use it to stop the cogwheels.
Pipe Slot #A1
Pipe Slot #B1
Pipe Slot #B2
Pipe Slot #C1
Pipe Slot #C2
Pipe Slot #C3
Pipe Slot #C4
Plugged Pipe
Plugged Pipe
Plugged Pipe
Symbol Pedestal #1 Insert the Circle Key and pull it out when all three symbols on the pedestal line up.
Symbol Pedestal #2 Use the Cross & Circle Key to line up diamond and cross symbols then pull it out. Then use the Circle Key to line up all three symbols.
Symbol Pedestal #3 Use the Cross & Circle Key to line up all symbols.
Symbol Pedestal #4 Use the Cross & Circle Key to lineup cross and diamond symbols then use the Circle Key to line up all symbols.
Symbol Pedestal #5 Use the Cross & Diamond Key to line up diamond symbol with the line on the outer ring. Use the Cross & Circle Keykey to line up dimond symbol and cross symbol. Use the Circle Key to line up all symbols.
Symbol Pedestal #6
Weak Wall Destroy it with one of the wooden poles that will fall to the ground when the ceiling begins to lower when you open the sarcophagus. When you do this the water will start flooding the room.
Keys you can use to open some locked doors, gates, etc.
Equipment Room Key This key opens the equipment room door in the Fascist armory.
Royal Army Key
Locked Passages
Various locked or blocked passages. Some of them can be opened with the right key. Some can only be unlocked from a certain side. Others can be unblocked by, for example, using a large hammer or setting them on fire.
Breakable Wall
Breakable Wall
Burnable Wall
Closed Door To open them, all you have to do is use force.
Closed Door Aran will open it from the inside at the end of the "The Kid Who Vanished" fieldwork.
Equipment Room Door Key required to open it: Equipment Room Key.
Hidden Chamber Entrance Aran will unlock it at the end of the "The Kid Who Vanished" fieldwork.
Jungle Bruiser Pit
Locked Door
Royal Army Door Key required to open it: Royal Army Key.
Royal Army Door Key required to open it: Royal Army Key.
Royal Army Door Key required to open it: Royal Army Key.
Secret Door
Secret Door
Secret Passage
Secret Passage To open this passage turn the Handle and insert the Pipe Segment (2) into the Pipe Slot #B1.
Secret Passage You can open it by rotating the handle on the right side of the passage during the "The Kid Who Vanished" quest. Gina will rotate the second handle.
Secret Passage
Secret Passage
Secret Passage
Secret Passage
Stone Door In a cave hidden behind a waterfall. To open it use the ancient relics you have to push out all the pins on the panel on the right.
Places where you can buy various items, such as adventure books or tools.
Nŏo He sells: Moxie I - 5 Medicine Bottles Moxie II - 10 Medicine Bottles Moxie III - 15 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up I - 5 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up II - 10 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up III - 15 Medicine Bottles
Shady Vendor (Sukhothai) You can find him next to the boxing ring in the Jungle Bruiser Pit. He sells: Hardboiled III - 1200 Baht Sawbones III - 700 Baht
Tongdang He sells: Rebreather - 798 Baht Sukhothai Books - 450 Baht Sukhothai Mysteries - 450 Baht Sukhothai Notes - 950 Baht Sukhothai Artifacts - 450 Baht Sukhothai Cogwheels - 700 Baht
Other NPC's.
Fish Vendor Return the Fish Crate to her. Reward: 45 Adventure Points.
Villager Take a photo of him and place the Villager Portrait on the table in front of him. Reward: 45 Adventure Points + 10 Baht.
Ammunition Boxes
Additional ammunition for the handgun. One box contains two bullets. This can be ammunition for Indy's revolver or the Model 1934 pistol while wearing the Royal Army uniform.
Repair Kits
With a repair kit you can repair broken weapons in your satchel.
Using bandages restores your health.
Currency / Egyptian Pounds
Places where you can find local currency.
Eating bread, such as cornetti, donuts, crackers and others boosts your total health temporarily.
Eating fruit such as apples, oranges, lemons, figs and others gives you an additional stamina boost.
Boat Docks
At the Boat Docks you can moor the boat you are using to travel around Sukhothai. Here you will also find radio transmitter that you can use to call the boat to you if it is located somewhere else.
Jungle Bruiser Pit
Khmer Vault
Secret Armory Entrance
Tongdang's Hut
Tree House
Wat Chana Songkhram
Wat Mahathat East
Wat Mahathat West
Wat Sa Si #1
Wat Sa Si #2
Wat Si Sawai #1
Wat Si Sawai #2
Map Transitions
Transitions between different sections of the map.
Hidden Temple Entrance
Hidden Temple Entrance
Khmer Vault Entrance
Khmer Vault Entrance
Khmer Warrior Temple
To Sukhothai
To the Village
Underwater Tunnel To swim through it you need a Rebreather.
Underwater Tunnel
Warrior Temple Entrance