Gizeh Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Map
Interactive map of Gizeh, the third location we visit in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. The map features locations such as: Chapter Notes & Photos, Gizeh Stelae, Fieldwork Notes, Discoveries, Mysteries, Puzzle Solutions, Field Notes & Photos, Adventure Books, Medicine Bottles, Ancient Relics, Lost Artifacs of Africa, Keys, Disguises, etc.
Indy and Gina arrived to Gizeh on the same airship as Voss. Gizeh was crawling with Nazis searching for something, perhaps connected to the thirteen Great Circle stones that Voss stole from the Vatican. Before leaving the Vatican, Gina arranged to meet with a contact in Gizeh to help find her sister. Maybe this person knows more about what Voss and the Nazis are up to?
Points of interest
Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Gizeh" map.
Maps of the locations we visit. Some of them you have to find, and some, for the dungeons, etc. you get automatically when you reach a certain place.
Ancient Caves Map
Gizeh Map On the table in the Nawal's tent. Taking it is an objective of the "The Race is On" quest. A detailed map of Gizeh and the Nazi excavations.
Khafre Excavation Site
Khentkawes Dig Map Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Signposts allow you to fast travel between them. In order to be able to select a specific signpost as a destination, you must first unlock it by reaching it on foot.
Gizeh Village
Great Sphinx
Khafre Excavation
Khentkawes Excavation
Workers' Area
Disguises allow you to hide from enemies and enter restricted areas without being noticed.
Digsite Outfit
Wehrmacht Uniform
Adventure Quests
Adventures are the main story quests where your objective is to solve the mystery of the Great Circle.
The Race is On Previous adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy. Objectives: Exit the Airship - The airship is about to land in Gizeh. There should be a service hatch in the back of the gondola. -= continued in full description =- Next adventure: The Idol of Ra.
The Idol of Ra Previous adventure: The Race is On. Objectives: Get to the Village Market - The Nazis are stealing stone stelae from Gizeh and shipping to Berlin. Nawal needs help smuggling them to a contact from the Cario Museum who in return will procure work passes to the Nazi Compound. There's a market in the village where they sell supplies that might come in handy. Talk to Asmaa and buy the Lighter. -= continued in full description =- Next adventure: A Harsh Climb.
Chapter Notes
Chapter Notes, Gizeh. Chapter notes are documents or photos related to the adventure you must complete to uncover the mystery of the Great Circle. They contain all sorts of related interesting info. Collecting each of them is not mandatory but is worthwhile as it provides additional adventure points.
Affirmation Letter Letter. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Genesis Chapter Note. (Clue). Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Meier's Letter Letter. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Mural Observation Document. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Second Stelae List Note. You can find it after escaping the northern compound during the "The Idol of Ra" adventure. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Secret Phrase You will receive this note automatically after solving the "The Resonance Chamber" puzzle. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Stelae List Received from Nawal at the beginning of the "The Idol of Ra" adventure. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Symbols Rubbing Sketch. (Clue). Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Three Eyed Gate Combinations You will receive this note after solving the Three Eyed Gate puzzle. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Chapter Photos
Chapter Notes, Gizeh. Chapter notes are documents or photos related to the adventure you must complete to uncover the mystery of the Great Circle. They contain all sorts of related interesting info. Collecting each of them is not mandatory but is worthwhile as it provides additional adventure points.
"Al haht sheram" You need the Tablet Piece to "fix" it. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
"Eo-shohd" Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
"Hat sha-Athon" Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
"Leneph" Strange Symbol Tablet. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
"Lezeem" Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
"Vuha" Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Ageless Cave Mural Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Chamber of Resonance Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Dead Raider Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Destroyed Mural Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Eternal Rest Mural Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Giant's Tattoo Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Gift of the Gods Mural Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Great Pyramid Symbol Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Guardian Symbol Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Khufu's Command Mural Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Nephilim Symbol Marking Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Queen's Pyramid Symbol Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Sphinx Symbol Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Temple Entrance Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
The Dream Stele Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
The Three Eyed Gate Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Voss Arriving You can take this picture after examining all the five clues in Voss' office. Related adventure: The Idol of Ra.
Fieldwork, Gizeh. Fieldwork are local activities / side quests that are of greater importance and may or may not be related to the main adventure.
A Savage Predicament How to start: Talk to Professor Savage. Reward: 525 Adventure Points + Construction Stele Objectives: Search the Detention Center - Professor Savage said that Sidney's likely held at the detention center in the Nazi Compound. -= continued in full description =-
Sanctuary of the Guardians How to start: Talk to Gina once you complete the "The Race is On" adventure. Reward: 400 Adventure Points Objectives: Explore the Sphinx Dig - Voss men are digging by the Sphinx, searching for the "Sanctuary of the Guardians". It seemed to be of particular importance to him. -= continued in full description =-
Secret of the Queen Mother How to start: Talk to Professor Omar. Reward: 375 Adventure Points Objectives: Find the Queen Mother's Tomb - Omar showed an ostracan saying there is a secret in the tomb of Queen Mother Khentkawes. The Nazis have been excavating the tomb but it's on hold right now, presenting a great opportunity to try finding the secret before the Nazis do. -= continued in full description =-
Fieldwork Notes
Fieldwork Notes. Notes and photographs that are related to fieldwork tasks.
Dig Report Document. Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Excavation Photograph Received from Gina at the beginning of the "Sanctuary of the Guardians" fieldwork. Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Fortune Card Card. Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Gantz's Journal Journal Page. Related fieldwork: A Savage Predicament.
Gantz's Orders Note. Related fieldwork: A Savage Predicament.
Golden Medallion Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Hanged Man Card Related fieldwork: A Savage Predicament.
Jack Card Card. Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Jürgen's Note Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
King Card Card. Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Logbook Entry Journal Page. Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Malfunction Notice Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Nightshift Diary Diary Page. Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Ostracan Shard You will receive it from Professor Omar at the beggining of the "Secret of the Queen Mother" fieldwork. Related fieldwok: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Radiogram Transcript Note: Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Savage's Letter Letter. Related fieldwork: A Savage Predicament.
Shutdown Notice Note. Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Sidney's Letter Letter. Related fieldwork: A Savage Predicament.
Fieldwork Photos
Fieldwork Notes. Notes and photographs that are related to fieldwork tasks.
Gina Holding the Mask Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Gold Mask Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Guardian Mural Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Hidden Chamber Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Khentkhawes Ruins Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Mirror Statue Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Mural Puzzle Related fieldwork: Secret of the Queen Mother.
Discoveries, Gizeh. Discoveries are activities that span over greater sections, some of them throughout the entire game. To complete one of these you will have to explore the world to find something that relates to the discovery.
A Remedy for All (Gizeh) How to start: Talk to Dr. Kafour. Objectives: Find Medicine Bottles in Gizeh x 25 - The local medical worker is in dire need of medicine and all recovered bottles should be brought there. Summary: All the medicine bottles have been returned to the local medical workers.
A World of Knowledge (Gizeh) How to start: Buy the "Gizeh Books" from Asmaa for 350 Pounds. Objectives: Find Adventure Books in Gizeh x 27 - These have been discovered in Gizeh. Summary: All the Adventure Books and Map Guides have been discovered.
Belongs in a Museum How to start: Progress the "The Idol of Ra" adventure through the northern Nazi Compound and approach the Nawal's Spy. Reward: Ancient Relic Objectives: Talk to the Delivery Boy - Nawal's delivery boy is back from his delivery. Any remaining stone stelae in Gizeh should be taken to him, so he can transport them back to the Cairo Museum. Find Stelae x 10 - Bring the remaining stelae to Nawal's delivery boy. Deliver the Stelae - Bring the final stone stele to Nawal's delivery boy. Summary: Found all the lost stelae in Gizeh and gave them back to the Cairo Museum.
Knuckle Duster Den How to start: Try to enter the Knuckle Duster Den. Reward: 300 Adventure Points Objectives: Find Disguise - Only Nazi uniforms are welcome at this refined establishment. Enter Boxing Den - The boxing den is Nazi only. Should be possible to get in wearing a disguise. Enter Ring - A Nazi off-duty boxing ring. They seem to run prize money bare-knuckle boxing matches. An opportunity to fight Nazis for some cash. Defeat the Fighter - First Nazi fighter does not look much to the world. Get Prize Money - First Nazi knocked down. Let's pick up the prize money the organizer got over at his table. (75 Pounds) Enter Ring - Another Nazi fighter is waiting in the ring, eager to get knocked down. Defeat the Fighter - This Nazi has more meat on his bones. Let's see if he can keep up. Get Prize Money - Second Nazi down. Better collect the reward over at the organizer's table. (150 Pounds) Enter Ring - The final fighter is waiting in the ring. Defeat the Fighter - This final guy actually looks pretty intimidating. Get Prize Money - All the fighters knocked down. The final reward is waiting on the organizer's table. (300 Pounds) Summary: All Nazi boxers defeated. There's no more prize money to win here.
Lost Artifacts of Africa How to start: Find one of the lost artifacts located in Gizeh. Objectives: Find Lost Artifacts x 5 - Artifacts from different parts of Africa. They should be returned to the right museum. Aduno Koro Ba'al Statuette Ivory Mask Jambiya Dagger Nok Sculpture Summary: Found all the lost artifacts in Gizeh. They'll be returned to their rightful home.
Riddles of the Ancients (Gizeh) Objectives: Find Ancient Relics in Gizeh x 15 Summary: All the Ancient Relics have been added to the collection. Maybe they were once part of a greater mystery?
Wehrmacht Transmissions How to start: Find and read the first of the radio frequencies. Reward: 150 Adventure Points Objectives: Find Radio Frequencies x 4 - Take the radio frequency to Gina. She might be able to use it for spying on the Nazis. Give Radio Frequency to Gina - All the radio frequencies have been found. Return to Gina and talk to her. Take Gina's Article Summary: All the radio frequencies in Gizeh have been found and handed over to Gina.
Field Notes
Field Notes, Gizeh. Interesting notes and photographs gathered while out on the field. 58 such notes and photographs can be found in The Vatican.
Airship Document Document. An alternative place where you can find this document if you did not collect it on board the airship.
Airship Document Document.
Assignment Letter Letter.
Code Letter Letter.
Code Note
Code Note Mystery Note.
Disappearance Report Document. (Clue)
Dr. Kafour
Dunes Climb to the roof of the temple and then photograph the dunes from its lower part at the back.
Engel's Report Document.
Excavation Orders Document.
Excavation Plans Sketch.
Fattah Recipe Recipe.
Ful Medames Recipe Recipe.
Geomantic Analysis Journal Page. On a small table in Nawal's tent.
Gun Approval Document Document.
Hamam Mashi Recipe Recipe.
Horror Tales #1
Horror Tales #2 Comic Book.
Klebér's Letter Letter.
Kozra Letter Letter.
Margaret Portrait Sketch. On Nawal's desk. Spawns after completing the "The Race is On" adventure.
Marya's Letter Letter.
Meroë Page Journal Page.
Nawal Article News Article.
Numeral Basics
Old Research Journal Journal Page.
Old Scholar's Diary Journal Page.
Omega Book Page Journal Page.
Peru Postcard Postcard.
Scary Stories #1 Comic Book.
Scary Stories #2 Comic Book.
Thieves Article
Voss Article
Field Photos
Field Notes, Gizeh. Interesting notes and photographs gathered while out on the field. 58 such notes and photographs can be found in The Vatican.
Adamic Tablet You can get here during the "A Savage Predicament" fieldwork.
Carpet Merchant
Conveyor Belt View
Crashed Bulldozer
Date Harvesting
Field Kitchen
Funerary Temple Dig Take a picture from the top of the watchtower.
Funerary Temple Tunnel
Gizeh Story Teller
Gizeh Village Take a picture of the village from the top of the watch tower.
Gizeh Vista Field Photo.
Great Sphinx
Khafre's Pyramid
Khentkawes Mural
Khufu's Pyramid
Menkaure's Pyramid
Nazi Cinema
Nazi Compound
Osiris Field Photo.
Oud Master
Parked Car
Pipeline Construction
Poker Tent
Professor Omar
Savage and Sidney You will be able to take this picture when you rescue Sidney, which is an objective of the "A Savage Predicament" fieldwork.
Senet Players
Snake Charmer
Tea House
Temple Entrance
The Blue Tent Field Photo. Take a picture of a blue tent in the village from the hill.
The Bridge Cavern
Train Take a photo of the train while standing at the top of the entrance to the underground.
Village Dog
Weather Station
Winning Hand
Gizeh Stelae
Amon Stele In the room behind the locked Wehrmacht Door.
Construction Stele It's a reward form completing the "A Savage Predicament" fieldwork.
Death Stele You can get here through the Underground Entrance (Sphinx Temple Ruins).
Giant Stele You can get here through the Underground Entrance (Giant Stele).
Harvest Stele Lock combination is: 0805. You can find it in the Code Letter.
Light Stele
Protector Stele
Ra Stele
Sebek Stele
Victory Stele Inside the underground tomb accessed via the Underground Entrance. Use the Lighter to burn the hay covering the crawl space in the first chamber.
Adventure Books
Adventure Books allow you to learn new Abilities to tackle harder challenges. Adventure Books are divided into a few categories depending on which kind of Ability you can learn from it: Survival, Fitness, Packing, Brawling, and Combat. You can also collect Map Guides which are listed under the Exploration category. These will unlock important information about the locations that you visit and place markers on maps.
Block Head Category: Brawling Description: Enemy melee weapon attacks can be efficiently blocked. Adventure Points To Unlock: 400
Brawler III Category: Brawling Description: Deal increased damage in armed and hand-to-hand melee combat. Adventure Points To Unlock: 700
Bread Basket Category: Packing Description: Carry twice the amount of bread. Adventure Points To Unlock: 400
Button Man I Category: Combat Description: One-handed firearms deal more damage. Adventure Points To Unlock: 500
Climbing Ace II Category: Fitness Description: Drains less stamina and enables faster movement by using [L Shift] while ledge climbing. Adventure Points To Unlock: 150
Cutman II Here you can find the book if you didn't pick it up aboard an airship. Category: Fitness Description: Improved health bar regeneration efficiency. Adventure Points To Unlock: 550
Cutman II Category: Fitness Description: Improved health bar regeneration efficiency. Adventure Points To Unlock: 550
Gizeh Artifacts You can buy it for 350 Pounds from Asmaa. Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook with information on the possible locations of lost artifacts in Gizeh.
Gizeh Books You can buy it for 350 Pounds from Asmaa. Category: Exploration Description: A literature compendium of all the adventure books to be found in Gizeh.
Gizeh Frequencies Category: Exploration Description: Secret military intelligence concerning the radio frequencies present in Gizeh.
Gizeh Medicine Lock combination is: 0609. Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook with information on the medicine bottles located in Gizeh.
Gizeh Mysteries You can buy it for 350 Pounds from Asmaa. Category: Exploration Description: A collection of curious mysteries that can be discovered in Gizeh.
Gizeh Notes You can buy it for 700 Pounds from Asmaa. Category: Exploration Description: A handy guidebook to all of notes that can be gathered in Gizeh.
Gizeh Relics Category: Exploration Description: An esoteric research journal concerning the locations of rumored ancient relics in Gizeh.
Hardboiled II You can buy it for 850 Pounds from the Shady Vendor (Gizeh). Category: Survival Description: Harden protection by merging two health bars into one. Adventure Points To Unlock: 1000
Jumbo Lasso Category: Combat Description: Heavyweight enemies can be whip-pulled into a grab. Adventure Points To Unlock: 325
Patch Up Category: Survival Description: Improves the amount of health that is restored when applying bandages. Adventure Points To Unlock: 550
Pep II Category: Fitness Description: Add a boost to stamina recovery speed. Adventure Points To Unlock: 575
Pitcher Category: Combat Description: Throw items farther and deal more damage. Adventure Points To Unlock: 375
Sawbones II You can buy it for 550 Pounds from the Shady Vendor (Gizeh). Category: Packing Description: Bandage inventory capacity is increased by one. Adventure Points To Unlock: 500
Slug Boy I Category: Packing Description: Increase handgun ammunition capacity by a half-dozen bullets. Adventure Points To Unlock: 500
Slugger I Category: Brawling Description: Increases damage from charged-up attacks. Adventure Points To Unlock: 450
Street Scrapper II Category: Combat Description: Deal increased damage with one and two handed melee weapons. Adventure Points To Unlock: 750
True Grit Category: Survival Description: Take less damage when down to the last bar of health. Adventure Points To Unlock: 450
Radio Frequencies
Radio Frequencies that are needed to complete the "Wehrmacht Transmissions" discovery. These are small notes that can be found in areas occupied by enemy soldiers. Mostly they are located right next to radio sets.
Gizeh, Khafre Excavation Inside a locker standing in a large military tent. Related discovery: Wehrmacht Transmissions.
Gizeh, Meteorological Station In the weather station building, on a desk with a radio. Related discovery: Wehrmacht Transmissions.
Gizeh, Nazi Compound On the second floor of the building, on a desk with radios standing against the north wall. Related discovery: Wehrmacht Transmissions.
Gizeh, Nazi Recreational Area I a military tent, on the table with radios. Related discovery: Wehrmacht Transmissions.
Medicine Bottles
Medicine Bottles can be exchanged for Adventure Books that either raise your HP or stamina bar permanently.
Medicine Bottle In a small bedroom adjacent to Voss office.
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle In the room behind the locked Wehrmacht Door.
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle On the cargo bed of a truck standing next to the road.
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle At the very top of the elevator shaft. To get here, call the elevator to the top and hop on top of it as it goes up.
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Ancient Relics
Finding all the ancient relics is the objective of the "Riddles of the Ancients (Gizeh)" discovery.
Ancient Relic (Ancient Caves #1)
Ancient Relic (Ancient Caves #2)
Ancient Relic (Ancient Caves #3)
Ancient Relic (Ancient Caves #4)
Ancient Relic (Belongs in a Museum) It's a reward for completing the "Belongs in a Museum" discovery.
Ancient Relic (Gizeh Tomb)
Ancient Relic (Haunted Tomb) It's inside the Haunted Tomb.
Ancient Relic (Khentkawes Excavation)
Ancient Relic (Nazi Compound #1) Safe combination: 40926. You can find the code on the Code Note.
Ancient Relic (Nazi Compound #2)
Ancient Relic (Sanctuary #1)
Ancient Relic (Sanctuary #2)
Ancient Relic (Sanctuary #3)
Ancient Relic (Seat of Eternity)
Ancient Relic (Secret Stash) In a locked crate at the back of the barracks, accessible from the outside through a window. Code 3262. The code can be discovered by combining clues from the Numeral Basics and from the Egyptian Numeral Code.
Lost Artifacts
Finding all the lost artifacts is the objective of the "Lost Artifacts of Africa" discovery.
Aduno Koro
Ba'al Statuette
Ivory Mask
Jambiya Dagger
Nok Sculpture In the underground tomb accessed via the Crawl Hole.
Mystery Quests
Mysteries, Gizeh. Mysteries are shorter and sometimes quite challenging activities, and will give you adventure points when they have been completed, in addition to a variety of different smaller rewards.
A Thief's Promise How to start: Read the Desertion Report. Find the Missing Nazi - A Nazi seems to have disappeared mysteriously near the Khentkawes digsite. Summary: The missing Nazi turned out to be dead. He'd been betrayed by one of his comrades and immured inside an old tomb.
Bright Future How to start: Read the Pohl's Letter. Reward: 225 Adventure Points Search Bunk - One of the Nazis has been caught stealing equipment to sell on the black market. There could be more information at his bunk bed. Find the Stolen Goods - One of the Nazis has been stealing equipment to sell on the black market. Maybe he has a stash of useful items somewhere? Summary: Seems like the Nazi thief's associate wanted him dead. The stash of stolen goods turned out to be a trap - it was filled with dynamite that ignited when the box was opened.
Cloud Atlas How to start: Read the Cloud Atlas Page or Cloud Status Logbook or try to open the chest. Open Lockbox - There's a building in the middle of Gizeh where the Nazis are tracking the weather. There's also lockbox with a combination lock inside. Solution: 13.10 - Cirrus - 0 09.10 - Stratus - 6 16.10 - Cirrus - 0 14.10 - Cumulonimbus - 9 So lock combination is: 0609.
Fortune's Reach How to start: Read the Wanted Poster. Reward: 225 Adventure Points Track the Thieves - A couple of thieves are stealing artifacts from the excavation. They're likely still around. Take a photo of the Trail of Red Paint. Follow the Red Footsteps - The thieves managed to step in paint. Should be easy enough to follow the tracks and see where they went. Follow it to the Underground Entrance. Pick up the Graverobbing Plan. Summary: The thieves were found dead in a collapsed excavation tunnel. Seems like they didn't know what they were doing.
Seat of Eternity How to start: Enter the tomb and read the Tomb Journal. Reward: 225 Adventure Points Open the Sarcophagus - There's a sarcophagus in the ruins just west of the village. Would be a miracle if it hasn't been plundered. Solution: Place the canopic jars in the following order from left to right: Human Falcon Jackal Baboon Collect the Ancient Relic. Summary: Placing the canopic jars on their proper places opened the tomb, revealing a strange artifact inside.
The Haunting How to start: Read the Hauntings Report. Reward: 225 Adventure Points Investigate Tomb - There are rumors about a "haunted tomb" in Gizeh. Sounds like superstition, but there could be more to it. Solution: Take the Tomb Photograph and the Haunted Tomb Key. Unlock the Haunted Tomb entrance. Pick up the Spy's Note. Summary: The "haunting\ was actually caused one of Nawal's spies. They played on the Nazis' superstitions in order to keep them away from a recently discovered artifact.
Mystery Notes
Notes that are related to the mysteries.
Canopic Jar You will receive it after completing the "Seat of Eternity" mystery. Related mystery: Seat of Eternity.
Cloud Atlas Page Related mystery: Cloud Atlas.
Cloud Status Logbook Related mystery: Cloud Atlas.
Dead Nazi's Note Related mystery: A Thief's Promise.
Desertion Report Relate mystery: A Thief's Promise.
Graverobbing Plan Related mystery: Fortune's Reach.
Hauntings Report Related mystery: The Haunting.
Nazi Note Related mystery: Bright Future.
Pohl's Letter Related mystery: Bright Future.
Spy's Note It's inside the Haunted Tomb. Related mystery: The Haunting.
Tomb Journal Related mystery: Seat of Eternity.
Tomb Photograph Related mystery: The Haunting.
Wanted Poster Related mystery: Fortune's Reach.
Mystery Photos
Photographs that are related to the mysteries.
Trail of Red Paint Related mystery: Fortune's Reach.
Puzzles and riddles that need to be solved to push the game storyline forward, gain access to new places, etc.
Mural Puzzle Solution: You must place the three stone glyphs in the mural slots in a specific order: Top Slot (Air): Stone Glyph (Bird) Middle Slot (Earth): Stone Glyph (Snake) Bottom Slot (Water): Stone Glyph (Fish)
Sanctuary Throne Room Mirrors Solution: Move Mirror #A3 to light Mirror #A4 Move Mirror #A6 to light Mirror #A1 Move Mirror #A1 to light Mirror #A5 Move Mirror #A4 to light Mirror #A2
Statue of Light Solution: Move the Mirror #B1 to light the Mirror #B2 located above the right side door. The door won't open, so help Gina enter the room through the hole in the wall. Gina will provide a brass mirror. Move the Mirror #B1 to light the Mirror #B3 located above the left side door. Use the brass mirror provided by Gina to fix the Mirror #B4. Move the Mirror #B1 to light the mirror Gina is holding.
The Resonance Chamber
Take photos of three tablets in the main room: "Leneph", "Hat sha-Athon", and "Vuha".
Get through the crawl hole and take photos of two more tablets: "Eo-shohd", and "Lezeem".
Pick up the Tablet Piece, use it to fix the "Al haht sheram" tablet, and take photo of it.
Approach the central statue and spread out six photos you took. Use them in the following order:
"The Lord's"
"The Secret"
"Of the name"
Once the puzzle is solved, you'll fall into an underground tunnel.
Three Eyed Gate Solution: Move the Mirror #C1 so the ray iluminates the symbol in the upper right corner of the door, which will open the door on the left side of the room. Head through the door that opened and move the Mirror #C2 so that the ray passes through the gap and illuminates the Mirror #C3. Move the Mirror #C3 so the ray iluminates the top left symbol on the door and move the Mirror #C1 so that ray illuminates the middle right symbol on the door, which will open the door on the right side of the room. Head through the right door and grab the Brass Mirror. Use it to fix the Mirror #C4. It will illuminate the Mirror #C5. Use three mirrors to unlock one by one the three symbols in the middle of the door. You will unlock each of them by illuminating such three symbols located on the sides which, when overlapped, form the symbol in the middle.
Key Items & Objects
Various other items that are useful during the adventure.
Baboon Canopic Jar
Brass Mirror
Canopic Jar
Egyptian Numeral Code
Falcon Canopic Jar
Gold Mask Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Guardian Pendant
Heavy Weapon
Human Canopic Jar
Jackal Canopic Jar
Laura's Journal
Lighter You can buy it from Asmaa for 75 Pounds.
Stone Glyph (Bird)
Stone Glyph (Fish)
Stone Glyph (Snake)
Tablet Piece
Various types of switches, levers, pressure plates and other items that can be switched, shifted, etc.
Blue Cable Power Switch One of the switches that must be toggled to restore power to the elevator.
Elevator Lever
Mirror #A1
Mirror #A2
Mirror #A3
Mirror #A4
Mirror #A5
Mirror #A6
Mirror #B1
Mirror #B2
Mirror #B3
Mirror #B4
Mirror #C1
Mirror #C2
Mirror #C3
Mirror #C4 Use the Brass Mirror to fix it.
Mirror #C5
Power Switch When you toggle this switch, the enemies in the adjacent room will be electrocuted.
Pressure Plate #A1
Pressure Plate #B1
Pressure Plate #B2
Pressure Plate #B3
Red Cable Power Switch One of the switches that must be toggled to restore power to the elevator.
Locked Containers
Locked Crate Lock combination: 0926. It can be found on the Nazi Note. Related mystery: Bright Future.
Keys you can use to open some locked doors, gates, etc.
Ancient Gizeh Key To get here and collect this key you need to revisit Gizeh after you reach the Sukhothai and buy the Rebreather. You can get here through the Underwater Passage. Related discovery: The Serpent's Chest.
Detention Center Key (Clue). Opens the attic of the Nazi detention and interrogation center. dete
Discarded Key A key to the locked building where a man is calling for help.
Haunted Tomb Key A key to a tomb that the Nazis have locked down. Related locked passage: Haunted Tomb.
Wehrmacht Key This key allows access to areas only available to soldiers of the Wehrmacht.
Locked Passages
Various locked or blocked passages. Some of them can be opened with the right key. Some can only be unlocked from a certain side. Others can be unblocked by, for example, using a large hammer or setting them on fire.
Breakable Wall
Breakable Wall
Breakable Wall
Breakable Wall
Breakable Wall Use the hammer to destroy it after completing the Mural Puzzle.
Breakable Wall
Breakable Wall
Burnable Wall
Crawl Hole To get inside you must buy a Lighter, which you use to burn the hay blocking the entrance.
Crawl Hole
Crawl Hole To get inside you must buy a Lighter, which you use to burn the hay blocking the entrance.
Crawl Space
Detention Center Door Key required to open it: Detention Center Key.
Great Pyramid Excavation Gate
Haunted Tomb Key required to open it: Haunted Tomb Key.
Knuckle Duster Den
Left Locked Door
Locked Gate Key required to open it: Wehrmacht Key.
Locked Door
Locked Door
Locked Door
Locked Door
Locked Door
Locked Gate
Locked Gate The lever is in the secret room where the ancient relic is.
Locked Gate
Locked Gate It can be unlocked from the south side.
Locked Gate It can be unlocked from the east side.
Locked Gate
Locked Gate It can be unlocked from the east side.
Locked Gate It can be unlocked from the south side.
Locked Gate
Mirror Gate
Movable Wall
Right Locked Door
Watchtower Wehrmacht Door They can be opened from the inside with the Wehrmacht Key. You can enter the watchtower using the grappling point at the back of the tower.
Wehrmacht Door Key required to open it: Wehrmacht Key.
Wehrmacht Door Key required to open it: Wehrmacht Key.
Wehrmacht Door Key required to open it: Wehrmacht Key.
Wehrmacht Door Key required to open it: Wehrmacht Key.
Places where you can buy various items, such as adventure books or tools.
Asmaa She sells: Lighter - 75 Pounds Gizeh Books - 350 Pounds Gizeh Mysteries - 350 Pounds Gizeh Notes - 700 Pounds Gizeh Artifacts - 350 Pounds
Dr. Kafour He sells: Moxie I - 5 Medicine Bottles Moxie II - 10 Medicine Bottles Moxie III - 15 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up I - 5 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up II - 10 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up III - 15 Medicine Bottles
Shady Vendor (Gizeh) You can find him next to the boxing ring in the Knuckle Duster Den. He sells: Hardboiled II - 850 Pounds Sawbones II - 550 Pounds
Other NPC's.
Delivery Boy
Female Villager Give her a photo of the Goat. Reward: 15 Adventure Points.
Gina Inside Nawal's tent.
Nawal's Spy
Professor Omar
Professor Savage
Ammunition Boxes
Additional ammunition for the handgun. One box contains two bullets. This can be ammunition for Indy's revolver or the P08 pistol while wearing the Wehrmacht uniform.
Repair Kits
With a repair kit you can repair broken weapons in your satchel.
Using bandages restores your health.
Currency / Egyptian Pounds
Places where you can find local currency.
Eating bread, such as cornetti, donuts, crackers and others boosts your total health temporarily.
Eating fruit such as apples, oranges, lemons, figs and others gives you an additional stamina boost.
Map Transitions
Transitions between different sections of the map.
Ancient Caves Entrance Related transition: Ancient Caves Exit.
Ancient Caves Exit Related transition: Ancient Caves Entrance.
Sanctuary Door Related fieldwork: Sanctuary of the Guardians.
Sanctuary Entrance
Service Hatch
Starting Point This is where you start your adventure after leaving the airship.