Jerome Comes Home Far Cry New Dawn Mission
Group: Side Missions
Difficulty: I
To start this mission you should find Ramone who is hiding in an old silo in Ramone's Lookout. When you kill nearby bandits, he should go downstairs. Talk to him.
Pastor Jerome has been captured by Highwaymen. Free him and he'll join your cause.
Related points of interest
Pastor Jerome Hope County
Ramone's Lookout Hope County
Kellet's Howl Hope County
Mission objectives of Jerome Comes Home
3. LIBERATE Jerome from the convoy
Go to Kellet's Howl. If you get spotted you will have to chase the convoy. Try to shoot the truck driver before they start moving. Open the cage Jerome is in to free him.
4. TALK to Jerome
Talk to him. Jerome will ask you to help him free some prisoners from Rye & Daughter Aviation.
5. LEAD Jerome to Rye & Daughter Aviation
You need to head to Rye & Daughter Aviation. You can use a car.
6. SECURE the area with Jerome
Kill all enemies at Rye & Daughter Aviation. Liberate the prisoners.
8. Reward
Pastor Jerome (Gun for Hire - Berserker)